Office hours:

Monday - Thursday09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Because we are a field office, please call before you visit to confirm someone will be in to assist you.

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Additional Resources

and Links

Oak wilt disease on an oak tree. Photo credit: Joseph O’Brien, USDA Forest Service,

Oak wilt, caused by Ceratocystis fagacearum, is a lethal disease of oak (Quercus sp.). The disease is most serious on members of the red oak family, including red oak, scarlet oak, black oak, pin oak, etc. Members of the white oak family are generally not nearly as susceptible: white oak, swamp white oak, burr oak, etc. The disease is comparable to and potentially as serious as Dutch Elm Disease on American Elm. Both are introduced, exotic diseases caused by vascular wilt fungi; both diseases are transmitted by insects; both diseases can be transmitted through root grafts, and both fungi kill their host plants rather quickly.



To learn more about Oak Wilt:


Diagnosing and preventing Oak Wilt


Michigan Invasive Species


Report suspect oak wilt in Michigan:

Department of Natural Resources Forest Health Division: or by phone at (517) 284-5895.




Use the Midwest Invasive Species Information Network (MISIN) online reporting tool


If possible, please take one or more photos of the invasive species you are reporting. Also make note of the location, date and time of the observation. This will aid in verification of your report. You may be asked to provide your name and contact information if follow-up is needed.

Spongy Moth (formally called Gypsy Moth) Caterpillars


  • The DNR does not have a spray program for spongy moth caterpillars. There are natural enemies of the spongy moth that are now well-established across Michigan and are actively reducing populations. To date, these pathogens typically have limited the size and length of outbreaks to a couple years, eliminating the need for spray programs.


  • Nucleopolyhedrosis virus occurs naturally in all spongy moth populations. In addition, suppression efforts in the 1990s using the fungal pathogen Entomophaga maimaiga have continued to keep spongy moth populations largely in check while naturalizing infestations into Michigan’s forests and urban forest ecosystems.


  • Nobody enjoys outbreaks of spongy moth caterpillars, as they are a nuisance if you want to be outdoors. The recommendations provided in the attached press release provide ways to limit this nuisance as much as possible during peak populations, which Kalamazoo is experiencing now. Please also note that though many folks are concerned about damage to trees, most deciduous trees will re-leaf later in the summer (more information is available in the press release).


Areas in Michigan may be seeing these caterpillars in large numbers. A newly updated MSU spongy moth website has current information about Spongy Moth Caterpillars, their habit, damange, and management.

A recorded video from NotMISpecies webinar series featuring the Spongy moth is also available.


DNR Information: 

MSU information:

Agriculture Plastic Recycling

Eaton County Sunfield Recycling Center is now accepting agriculture film plastic for recycling!


Visit Eaton County recycling website for more details.

Jo Naylor/Flickr

Information on Injured or Orphaned Animal


Please note: The Kalamazoo Conservation District and the Kalamazoo Nature Center do NOT accept injured or orphaned animals.


If you are concerned about an injured or orphaned animal, please visit the Michigan Department of Natural Resources website for a list of Michigan Licensed Rehabilitators BEFORE moving, touching or otherwise handling the animal. These community volunteers are specially licensed to care for and rehabilitate injured animals and can give you more information on your specific situation. Only licensed wildlife rehabilitators are legally able to possess abandoned or injured wildlife. Unless you are licensed, it is illegal to possess a live wild animal, including deer, in Michigan.

Please rememeber that many baby animals spend most of their day alone, waiting for their mothers to return.


For more information visit: 

MDNR - Managing Your Resources - Wildlife 

Looking to plant with Native species? Here are some local resources.


Wild Ones - Kalamazoo Area Chapter

Hidden Savanna Nursery - Native plant nursery

Native Connections - Seller of native plant seeds

Wild Type - Native plant nursery

Jo Naylor/Flickr

Private Water Well Resources


This Well Owner Resources website is your one-stop resource for information relating to private water well systems and groundwater.

The Master Gardener Hotline - 1-888-MSUE-4MI (888-678-3464)


These experts can help you make wise decisions about your garden, lawn and landscape problems. The toll-free number directs callers to a specialized team of Advanced Master Gardeners who can answer questions, identify plants and pest problems, and help callers understand their pest control options.


Great Websites for Teachers and Kids:


The Water Stewardship Program is aimed at Michigan residents encouraging them to take voluntary proactive steps to protect Michigan's water quality.


Outdor Explorers Club


City of Kalamazoo Water Resoruces - Protect Your Water

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