Jimyo Ferworn
Jimyo Ferworn has recently retired after 45 years of business experience. She enjoys hiking, and kayaking, and she recently completed the foundational gardening education for the master gardener designation. A strong believer in lifelong learning, Jimyo is interested in KCD's forestry management programs, native plants benefits, and working with our farming community to foster sustainable practices, as well as supporting KCD's collaboration with other conservation focused groups.
Tricia Keala
Tricia is a Certified Parks and Recreation Professional who is passionate about protecting our natural re-sources. She is a Michigan native and works with local municipalities in the advancement of their parks, property development and asset management.
Tricia has served on the board since 2018.
David Benac
Vice Chair
Dr. David Benac is associate professor of history, Public History Coordinator, and history internship supervisor at Western Michigan University. Benac advises graduate students in environmental and public history, including cultural resources management, environmental movements, heritage tourism, historic preservation, and oral history. His research, at the intersection of environmental and public history, investigates how individuals and communities develop cultural ties to environments.