Office hours:

Monday - Thursday09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Because we are a field office, please call before you visit to confirm someone will be in to assist you.

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Irrigation Management Resources

Proper irrigation water management is important to promote ground and surface water conservation. In order to assist those that irrigate, a few resources have been compiled and provided below. If you have any questions or have additional resources that you would like to share, please call the district and we will post these on our website.


The presentation below includes information on irrigation system uniformity evaluations for center pivots, microirrigation systems, and solid set systems. This presentation provides information needed to help navigate through the irrigation management portion of the Crop*A*Syst document. Thanks to Katie Droscha for putting this informative presentation together!

Irrigation Management presentation
Irrigation Management Resources presenta[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [2.5 MB]
MSUE Fact Sheet for Overhead Sprinkler Uniformity
MSUE Fact Sheet Overhead Sprinkler unifo[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [265.2 KB]
MSUE Fact Sheet on Microirrigation Uniformity
MSUE Fact Sheet Microirrigation uniformi[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [423.7 KB]
Sustainable Nursery Irrigation Management (Tennessee)
Nursery Irrigation Mgt W279.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [556.7 KB]
New Jersey Grower's Irrigation Chart
This is a compact document with a fairly straight forward example log sheet.
Adobe Acrobat document [206.4 KB]
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